Starting a new job is an exciting experience, but it can be stressful entering a new work environment with new people and duties. Keep up your excitement levels and try not to be too nervous. Learning a few tips can help you sail through that day with flying colors. By the end of the day, you’ll feel like a pro.
1. Be on Time
Being late the first day of your new job can not only leave a bad impression on your new boss but also on the other employees. Set your alarm early the first day of work, and lay out your clothing the night before. That way, you’ll look cool and collected when you arrive for your first day at work.
2. Eat Breakfast Before You Go
Food gives you energy, and eating a proper breakfast gives you a good start. Leave the sweet rolls in the breadbox, and eat something that will stay with you until lunchtime.
3. Introduce Yourself
One way to overcome shyness in a new environment is to introduce yourself to your coworkers. Don’t worry about forgetting names. Down the line, you can always say you met so many new people the first day that you’re still sorting them out, but you appreciate your co-workers’ patience as you learn so many new things. Remember to smile when you speak to someone. A pleasant manner is always welcome and makes you appear cooperative and receptive to others.
4. Get Organized
The first day at work, you need to check that you have the supplies you need and a clear idea of what you will be doing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and make notes at your desk if necessary. While you’re at it, organize your desk neatly. If it’s allowed, don’t forget that framed photo of your family, kids, or pets—its a good icebreaker to meet fellow employees. However, don’t overdo it. Keep it to one or two photos that are not obtrusive.
5. Be Adaptable
Maybe you have been assigned work to do first thing in the morning… and then it gets interrupted by more urgent work or a meeting. Go with the flow, and show how you can be easygoing about sudden changes.
6. Dress for Success
Even if your office or workplace has a laid-back atmosphere or people dress more casually on Fridays, keep your clothing appropriate. If others in the workplace wear suits, wear one. If others are wearing casual slacks and shirts, copy their example. Whatever you wear, make sure it is clean and neatly pressed. Looking disheveled can cost you the boss’s consideration for promotion.
7. Pay Attention to What Others Are Doing
If your coworkers don’t leave on the dot, stay until they start leaving—even if it is quitting time. If you work at a job that serves the public, such in customer service or the medical field, you must wait until clients are gone or transactions are completed before leaving.
8. Ask for Help
Being assigned your first tasks is an exciting time in a new job. However, if you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. If you need to make copies when you don’t know where the copy room is located or need help to operate an unfamiliar machine, don’t waste time trying to figure it out for yourself. You don’t need to be a hero!
9. Show Initiative
You’ve been working hard and find you have nothing left to do. What now? This is a good time to show initiative and what a hard worker you are. You can go tell your boss that you have completed your assignments and ask if there is more work that needs to be done. You can also volunteer to do extra assignments when extra jobs pop up.
A new job, whether dealing with the public or working in an office such as administrative assistant jobs, requires that you learn your way around a new work environment while maintaining a pleasant relationship with coworkers. TheJobNetwork can help you find that new job by conducting the job search for you. All you do is fill out your qualifications and job interests, and you will receive alerts whenever a job matching your description becomes available. For those who are more proactive, you can even search the job site yourself. Finding the perfect job is just a step away. Sign up for job match alert to get started.
The post How to Make a Great First Impression on Your First Day appeared first on Bozeman Careers.