How to Use Social Media When Job Hunting With Expert Kathy Bernard
Since the economy took a plunge in 2009, we’ve all heard horror stories of people spending months and months submitting application after application and not getting any responses. But what about those...
View ArticleWhy Career Planning is Important With Expert Dorothy Tannahill-Moran
While using online job sites are an important component to a well-rounded search, it’s even more important that those hunting for new positions invest time and energy into professional relationships....
View Article9 Easy Steps to Make More Money At Work
We can’t all be hedge fund managers and zillionaires. But there are a few very practical strategies that can help you maximize your assets. 1. Location Location Location Don’t just flock to L.A.,...
View ArticleAre You One of These 4 Toxic Workplace Personalities?
There are a million ways to screw up at work, and we like to think we avoid most of the obvious pitfalls. But here are a few work types you might not realize you resemble from time to time. 1. The...
View Article6 Strategies to Prove You Deserve a Raise
It’s the end of a productive year, and you’re sure you deserve a raise. After all, no one knows better than you do about what you’ve accomplished this year. Now the key is making sure your employer...
View Article3 Ways to Impress Everyone at Your First Job
You’re fresh out of college, talented, high-achieving, and raring to prove yourself in the big bad world of work. But the classes you’ve taken and the internships you’ve had cannot quite prepare you...
View ArticleHow to Know When It’s Time to Quit Your Job
We’re all a little bit afraid of change. But we should be equally afraid of stagnating and losing sight of why we chose our career in the first place. Here are three signs it might be time for you to...
View ArticleHow to Follow Up After a Job Interview
If you think a job interview truly ends with the firm handshake and “we’ll be in touch” at the end, think again. You still have one more crucial step: the thank you note to everyone who interviewed...
View ArticleWhat You Need to Know About Changing Careers With Expert Norine Dagliano
If you’re looking for a job, you probably already know about Norine Dagliano. A coach and hiring expert who writes on ekm Inspirations, Norine shared with us some insight into how to find a job and use...
View Article5 Signs You Might Get Fired
Sometimes we get so comfortable in day-to-day work life that we forget jobs today come with much less security. Rather than becoming complacent, keep yourself attuned and on the lookout for the...
View Article3 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves in Business
There’s a new book out there by Tara Mohr called Playing Big, and everyone should read it. It’s a how-to for brilliant and talented women who are playing it too small and could really use a chance to...
View Article5 Ways to Make Your Career Dreams Come True
Watching your friends and coworkers get their dream jobs or launch their dream careers can be taxing. Maybe you feel like it will never happen to you. But that mindset can lead to depression and can...
View Article3 Reasons to Always Keep One Foot in the Job Market
You have a job and you’re mostly happy with it. But even if you’re mostly thrilled with it, it’s always a good idea to stay sharp and keep your options open–if only to negotiate better pay, bonuses,...
View ArticleTop 7 Advanced Excel Tricks That Will Help You Get An Instant Raise
Excel seems to be the tool that everyone has to use regardless of industry or position. Many people do not know enough about Excel to use it effectively. In fact, there are very, very few people on...
View Article8 Ways to Increase Your Confidence at Work
Think about the most successful people you know. Chances are, the common thread is confidence. Successful people believe in themselves and that confidence helps them to keep on succeeding and...
View Article5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Career in the New Year
It’s a new year. This is the time when everybody takes stock of where they are in their life and career, which means a shockingly high percentage of American workers will decide to look for a new job...
View ArticleWhy Job Hopping is Great for Your Career
The old days of being stigmatized for switching jobs too frequently are behind us. There’s even research to suggest that workers who stay at the same job for longer than two years end up being paid...
View Article7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During Interviews
You may talk a big game, but you might be surprised to know that talking makes up a small part of human communication. Some people are great listeners, but by nature, we receive more information from...
View ArticleHow to Become a Respiratory Therapist
For patients who struggle with the most essential thing in the world—breathing—respiratory therapists can be literal lifesavers. The Day-to-Day Respiratory therapists work directly with patients of all...
View Article10 Warning Signs You Should Not Accept that Job [Infographic]
If you’re like the average person, you’ve probably had your fair share of jobs that you didn’t like. It always starts the same. You head into your first day of work with a multitude of optimism and...
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