6 Powerful Reasons to Quit Your Job
In any job, there will be things you need to put up with. Personality differences, questionable lunch choices in an open-plan cubicle environment, the coworker who clips his nails at his desk—all are...
View Article20 Productivity Apps To Keep You Organized
The bad news about being surrounded by technology all day, every day, is that it eats into our productivity by offering a ton of distraction. The good news? The glut of productivity apps available to...
View ArticleHow to Focus Without Distractions [Infographic]
It happens to even the best-intentioned of us: we promise ourselves today is the day to buckle down, focus, and get everything on our to-do list done. Really. For sure. Today. And then, 8 hours later,...
View ArticleWhat to Do When You’re Bored at Work
There can be any number of reasons you’re feeling bored at work. If it’s just a lull in your to-do list, maybe it’s temporary. If it’s more of a chronic case of “I-hate-this-job-itis,” well, you should...
View Article5 Guaranteed Strategies to Getting a Raise
You know this is your moment. You’ve bided your time, minded your Ps and Qs, and you’re just waiting for your boss to realize and recognize all your hard work with the raise that you so richly deserve....
View Article4 Ways to Combat Negativity at Work
We all have that one co-worker who’s just plain… negative. He or she comes in from the elevator followed by a sad, grey cloud. They spend all of their time grumbling about work—having either too much...
View Article10 Ways to Turn Your Part Time Job Into a Full Time Job
You’ve got a great part-time or contract gig with a company you love. Maybe it suited you best at the time you were hired, or maybe you just love the company and wanted to get your foot in the door....
View Article8 Useful Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Worth Memorizing [Infographic]
Microsoft excel is an excellent tool that all of us can utilize in our professional and personal lives. Whether we’re working on a big project for work, or trying to create a budget to balance our...
View Article7 Interview Secrets for Introverts
Raise your hand if you’ve gone to an interview, and been so nervous about the whole thing that afterward, you couldn’t remember half of what happened. (Raises hand.) Now raise your hand if that’s...
View ArticleTop 5 Job Searching Trends of 2016
The job market is always tough. But every year you’ll find there are distinct trends that dominate the search process. Here are the top 5 current job searching trends to bear in mind, whether you’re...
View Article3 Key Career Tips for Millennials
Ah, “the millennials.” Faceless generation of socially networked people who never touched a rotary phone—or so the media likes to generalize. In reality, the only thing that millennials have in common...
View ArticleHow to Get an Internship in College When You Don’t Know Anybody
You know the drill. Good things happen to people who know people. That’s how internships and jobs are landed—personal connections. But what if you don’t know anyone? How are you supposed to get that...
View Article10 Common Job Interview Mistakes Millennials Make
Everybody has a hard time learning how to interview. It’s a skill like any other that requires preparation, practice, and patience. But it can be even harder for millennials, who often aren’t familiar...
View Article5 Job Networking Tips for Introverts
Networking is hard for everyone. It’s even harder when you’re shy. But shyness and introversion, while very reasonable explanations for why you might be frightened in social situations, aren’t going to...
View Article4 Things We’ve Learned From a Redditor’s Quest for Getting a Raise
Here at TheJobNetwork, we like to think that we’re giving you all the tools you need to succeed in your job hunt and beyond. But for all the expertise, it can seem sometimes like advice is given in a...
View Article8 Bad Habits That Make You Look Unprofessional
Everyone has some bad work habits. You might be the most punctual, inoffensively friendly person around, but there’s always something that occasionally causes colleagues to roll their eyes. It’s a fact...
View Article30 Unprofessional Things You Should Never Say at Work
Being “professional” can feel a bit new at first. It takes some getting used to. Just like any other social arena, the working world has its own special set of rules. One of the cardinal ones is to...
View Article7 Essential Excel Tricks Everyone Needs to Know [Infographic]
Excel is an incredibly valuable tool. If used properly, excel can make you incredibly productive. Here are 7 excel tricks that you can use in order to be more productive in your every day life. Source:...
View ArticleHow Oprah Winfrey Overcame Failure
Imagine being born in rural 1950s Mississippi to an impoverished teenage mother. Imagine suffering abuse from the age of 9, then running away from home at 13, only to become pregnant at 14 and lose...
View ArticleThe Ultimate 4 Step Guide to Changing Your Career
Choosing a career is a tough thing—and a lifelong process. You might pick a job early, just out of school or based on your interests as a 20-something. It would be great if that were a direct path to...
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