10 Career Lessons You Should Learn in Your 20s
Every hiring manager is looking for something different—a unique combination of experience and skills. But there are also a few universal skills and values you should always work to keep sharp....
View Article6 Proven Ways for Women to Get a Higher Salary
By now, you’ve likely heard the rather grim statistics: on average, women earn less money than men for comparable jobs. In 2015, women made 80 cents for every dollar earned by men in the same roles,...
View ArticleTake This Career Advice from Bill Gates in Order to be Successful
Bill Gates is an emperor. He’s built one of the most powerful companies in the global economy, donated billions to charity, and revolutionized the way humans interact with technology. He is the richest...
View ArticleExpert Interview with Andy Greenberg About Recruiting and Hiring
Andy Greenberg, CEO and president of The Recruiting Division, took the time to talk with us about his company, recruiting and hiring trends. With 17 years of experience in the field of recruiting, Andy...
View ArticleAre You on a Career Ladder or Just Job Hopping?
It used to be that you’d take a job at a company and rise from young up-and-comer to wise lifer, logging 10 years or more in the same place. It’s not that changing jobs was unheard of, but rather...
View ArticleWhat To Do On Your Last Day Of Work
You’ve quit your job. You're saying goodbye. Hopefully this means you’re moving on to something bigger and better. But no matter what, there are a few steps you need to take to make a dignified exit....
View Article10 Ways to Appear Smarter Than You Are
We can’t all be blessed with superhuman intelligence in order to get ahead in life. But it is helpful to be at least perceived as being smart—even if that involves a little finessing around the edges....
View ArticleHow to Become More of a Morning Person
You hear a lot, especially around the new year, about early birds getting worms and how important it is to start your day off right with all these morning rituals. But what if your morning ritual is...
View Article7 Steps to Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire
So you want to be a millionaire, but you don’t come from money and you don’t have much to build on. It is possible, but it will take an awful lot of work. The first question you want to ask yourself is...
View Article6 Practical Steps to Building a Professional Handshake
Never underestimate the importance of a good handshake. Fortune 500 CEOs have even admitted that, given two identically qualified candidates, they’re more likely to give the job to the one with the...
View ArticleTop Career Advice from Former Presidents
Feel like you need a bit of career inspiration? In honor of the upcoming President’s Day, you might enjoy these tidbits from former statesmen, great and… less great. Their advice, however, is uniformly...
View ArticleThe 7 Personality Traits that Can Destroy Your Career
Of all the things you think may destroy your career, you probably didn’t expect your own personality to be one of them. But while some character traits are innate, others are under your control. It’s...
View ArticlePowerful Work Wardrobe Tips for Professional Women
You might be the brightest and most talented person in the room, and you of course should always be judged on those merits alone. Still, it doesn’t hurt to dress for success every now and then, just to...
View Article9 Signs You Are On The Right Career Path
Choosing the right career for you can be an incredibly difficult task. There are so many variables and curveballs that will be coming at you from every angle. It’s easy to lose sight of the path you...
View Article11 Signs You’ve “Made It” in America
Have you been plugging away nonstop, gunning for success, for years? Maybe you’ve been trying really hard to be the big shot you know you can be, but you just aren’t sure when you can take a moment to...
View Article7 Good Reasons to Leave a Job
You’ve worked incredibly hard to get where you are. You’ve secured a position you’re sure you should feel incredibly grateful to be in. But what if you’re not happy? What if you’re not where you’re...
View ArticleCareer Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life
If I had only known then… How often have these words echoed in your head when you looked back on a less experienced you, and the choices you made then? How many times have your remembered a piece of...
View Article14 Things You Should Never Say at Work
No matter how smart you are—or think you are—or how well you’re doing in your career, it’s always possible to make sure you’re not doing anything to sabotage yourself. There are a ton of little things...
View Article9 Things You Should Never Reveal About Yourself at Work
You spend an astounding amount of time with your coworkers—even more than your family. You even develop incredibly close relationships with the people you work with day after day week after week. But...
View ArticleHow To Gain Hands-On Experience for a Job
You know you need experience to get a job. Trouble is, you can’t get any on-the-job experience without first having a job. It’s the classic early career Catch-22. The good news, however, is that there...
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